Our Services
GeoSpecialties offers a wide range of geotechnical construction services ranging from traditional foundations and shoring to geohazard repairs.
Soil Nailing
We utilize soil nailing in temporary shoring, landslide stabilization and retaining wall construction applications.
Geohazard Repairs
The leadership at GeoSpecialties have repaired thousands of landslides across North America with a particular emphasis within the greater Appalachia area.
Reinforced shotcrete is often applied as a temporary or permanent facing for retaining walls, restoration of deteriorated structures, rockfall hazard mitigaiton, and many other applications.
Temporary Shoring
GeoSpecialties employs various types of driven and drilled piling as well as soil nails and tieback anchors for temporary shoring purposes.
Grade and Drainage
Drainage improvements are regularly incorporated into design build projects and may range from graded swales to buried pipe conveyance systems to drilled drains.
Rockfall Hazard Mitigation
We have world-class engineering geologists on our team that can assess rockfall corridors and recommend cost efficient solutions through collaboration with owner and coordination with their purpose and need.
Grouting Services
GeoSpecialties offers specialty grouting services. Common applications range from compaction grouting for settlement control to slurry and/or cellular grouting for void filling.